اللَّهمَّ أحسِنْ عاقبتَنا في الأمورِ كلِّها ، وأجِرْنا من خِزيِ الدُّنيا وعذابِ الآخرةِ “Ya Allah, jadikan segala urusan kami berakhir dengan baik. Dan lindungi kami dari bencana dunia dan azab akhirat”
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
अप्रैल 2010
Thanks Allah For everything You give. now I'm fin en Happy and I will be better and I dont want AFFRAId or sad again like before. My mom and my family are still beside me. My love too and my smile of course. Eka, I hope U R the One. I dont know what to do. What should I say???? my new mother, should I choose your Son?? dont U see n Understand I have Brother who Loves and Care about me. Ka, U R the best till now. Thanks my friends, I miss U all.
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