Saturday, December 4, 2010

15 Recommendations for improving Test Scores

o When a test is announced well in advance, do not wait until the day before to begin studying. Spaced practice is more effective than massed practice.

o Ask the instructor for old copies of the examination to practice with.

o Ask other students what kinds of tests the instructor usually gives.

o Don't turn study session into social occasion, isolated studying is usually more effective.

o Don't be too comfortable when studying. Lying down is a physical cue for your body to sleep.

o Study for the type of test which was announced.

o If you do not know the type((style)) of test, study for a free recall exam.

o Use SurveyQ3R technique when studying. Survey material, ask yourself questions about the subject material, read for detail, recite the material to yourself, and review material just prior to test.

o Try to form material you are studying into test questions.

o Read test directions carefully before beginning exam. Ask administrator if unclear or some details are not included

o If essay test, think about question and mentally formulate answer before you begin writing.

o Pace yourself while taking test. Do not try to be first person finished. Allow enough time to review answers at end of session.

o If you can rule out one wrong answer choice, guess, even if there is a penalty for wrong answers.

o Skip more difficult items and return to them later, particularly if there are a lot of questions. It is better to leave two difficult questions unanswered than 10 to 15 easy questions.

o When time permits, review your answer. Don't be overly eager to hand in your test paper before all the available time has elapsed.

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